the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Fun and Games
Fun With Your Norfolk Terrier
© TBNTC2020
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Get it! Run to a baited target (or that toy squirrel) from increasing distances, starting at about 18 inches (or less if need be) and working up to 6 or 8 feet or more. Don't increase the distance until he is confident and driving toward the target at the current distance. And only increase the distance by a foot at a time. Any time his enthusiasm lessens, shorten the distance so he can be successful.
Wait! Making "WAIT!" a game can be enjoyable to both you and your dog. Start with treats in your pocket and an area your dog can easily define - one side of the door or the other, inside the crate with the door open for example. Use a combination of a hand signal and firm but pleasant "WAIT!" and if necessary place the open hand against the dog's chest repeating the command until the dog stops resisting and "waits". Immediately offering the treat with an enthusiastic "GOOD PUPPY!!" Repeat the exercise until the puppy has successfully waited for 3 times (don't extend the wait time yet). Use the same scenario in each training session, slightly extending the wait time for each session until you are confident the dog understands "WAIT!". Then move on to another scenario (if you used the open crate door the first time, maybe move to the door of another room for the 2nd level) and repeat the training sessions - the dog will more quickly understand what you want in the 2nd level. Gradually work your way around different scenarios, but be sure you keep it a "game". The Norfolk is easily bored and you are looking for a quick, consisdtence response in this game rather than the competitive obedience "down" exercise
Soccer Did you know you can teach your dog to play soccer? Start the game by gently kicking the ball along the ground toward your dog. Encourage him to get it. The ball is too big to pick up with his teeth and it will take him a few minutes to figure out that he must push it with his nose or bat it with his paws. Give him lots of praise as he begins to catch on. As he gets better at it, you can include more people in the game. For breeds too small to handle a soccer ball, soft rubber balls can be found at petstores.
Fetch Some dogs are natural fetchers, others are not. All can learn to enjoy this game. Be sure to teach and practice "drop it" first. If your dog refuses to return the ball (and this is pretty instinctive!), or drops it too far away, end the game in disgust. Don't turn "fetch" into "keep away"! "Fetch" can be shaped by rewarding interest in a toy, then approaching a toy, then touching it, then mouthing it, then picking it up. Use a clicker to click-and-treat faster retrieves, catches in the air, or a neater return.
Touch Shop your local thrift store and garage sales for interactive toys for young children. A toy piano works - I found a plastic turtle with colored buttons that when touched lights up and plays a tune. Puppies are fascinated by the game - get the puppy's attention and have it follow your hand to touch the button. The puppy will soon get the idea that when it touches the object you point to he is praised and gets a treat;PLUS the toy!
Dock Jumping First things first. before you take your dog up to the dock, you will want to introduce them to the exit ramp. This will help them understand how to get out of the pool and helps you gauge whether the dog is comfortable and ready for the dock or not. When it is your turn, let the pool "wrangler" know that you would like to let your dog go up the exit ramp and into the pool before attempting to jump off the competition dock. If there is no "wrangler", just let the person behind you in line know what you will be doing so that they know what is going on. MORE >>
Simon Says: If you have the right attitude, you can make obedience training a game. Let your dog prove how clever she or he is by sitting when you say "sit", lying down when you say "down", etc. Try it when your eyes are closed, your back is to the dog, or you are in a different position like lying down or even standing on your head! Mix up "drop it", "take it/get it", "hold it", and "leave it".
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